Github Made with piksel

Bullet dodger game with path-based movement and fighting mechanic. Submission to GMTK gamejam 2021.

How does the game adhere to the theme: THAEM uses waypoints to create a path for the player, which it also used to interact with enemies (bullets). The behaviour of all of the components of the game (player and the bullets) is related to the behaviour of many other components. Hence, they can be considered all to be linked together. Also, I have gotten an ungodly amount of linker errors when compiling the game, which alludes to the theme as well.

Made using C++ and piksel.

Works best on Chrome / Firefox. Can also work on Safari if WebGL 2.0 is enabled with  Develop > Experimental Features > WebGL 2.0.

Warning; don't press the 'H' key... 😈

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